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Project |01




Project |02


Project |03


Project |04


Project |04


Project |05


Project |08


Project |06


Project |07


For a Project Management class, we were instructed to develop a project proposal for an event of our choice.  I decided to focus on a charity fundraiser and wrote a proposal that detailed my ideas.

This project was intended to showcase a proposal for a project that we came up with on our own.  My project was focused around a reality TV show that would have creative design professionals compete with each other in order to work for a major advertising agency.

In a Research in Media Communications course, we were instructed to create a fictitious business idea and conduct research on if the idea would be something that others would utilize. In this course we were required to use our best research skills in order to get responses to a survey we conducted and we were to analyze the answers we received.  Also, included with the project was to create an infographic which visually showcases the analyzed data from the survey.This project was meant to give us the skills on how to create a survey and collect and analyze data which is exactly what I was able to take away from this project.

Both my blog and YouTube channel were started as an outlet for me to discuss things I’m passionate about and utilize the skills I’ve learned throughout my MCBS journey.   My blog has helped me improve as a writer, which was always something I’ve struggled with and I’ve also been able to talk to people about topics that I find to be interesting. The Internet is a great way to learn and expand knowledge and I’m using my blog and YouTube channel as a platform to do so. I started my blog in December and quickly realized that there are topics that I wanted to discuss but found them difficult to do through a blog post; I always try to keep my posts between 300-400 words. I realized that I could start a YouTube channel and discuss topics that may require more explanation and embed the video into a blog post. Creating content, both written and in video form, allows me to practice the skills I’ve gained from my classes through Full Sail. 

This project was intended to give us experience with interviewing and creating an Audio Slideshow. We were expected to find a subject, interview them on a subject of our choice and create a portfolio of still shots in order to create the slideshow. I was able to create the slideshow using the guidelines provided and I was left with a project that was able to visually show the content that was discussed by the interviewee.

This project focused on teaching us the correct way to compose a digital publishing book or magazine for online readers. Using resources I was provided with, I was able to create The Beauty Guide, a magazine for anyone who is interested in beauty.

This project was centered on the British graffiti artist, Banksy. We were meant to research his work in order to better understand the way he viewed the world and how he used his art to spark conversation. We then were asked to create an infographic to show what we learned about Banksy, his art, and fellow graffiti artists. At the end of the project, I found myself really admiring Banksy and I believe that translated onto my infographic.

This project was our Personal Persona Project that allowed us to create a slideshow that represents us, both personally and professionally. The objective of this project was to be able to create a slideshow and send it to potential employers in order for them to better understand who I am as a person. The outcome of this project was that I have a resource that I can pass along to others as a way for them to know a little more about me prior to getting to know in real life.


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